WEBINAR: Smart City: what’s behind the success of Smart Lighting?
Street lighting accounts on average for 40% of a City’s electricity bill. Energy-efficient LED lamps make Cities save up to 70% in power consumption, GHG emissions, and related costs. But much more can be achieved if connecting luminaires to a sentient IoT network.
Light points can be fully monitored and operated from remote, ensuring additional energy saving and a superior quality of service. Onsite maintenance and repair costs will decrease, and citizens will benefit from better illuminated and more lively districts.
This webinar will discuss benefits and success factors of best-in-class Smart Lighting, providing an overview of some real-life urban experiences.
Join Paradox Engineering to learn:
- how Smart Lighting can contribute to urban sustainability, climate change mitigation and city attractiveness.
- which elements need to be considered to design and implement efficient, reliable, and even revenue-generating streetlighting infrastructures.
- how Smart Lighting can become the canvas for urban innovation leveraging interoperable, standard-based technologies.
- how to mitigate cybersecurity risks, protect the network and device-generated data.